Road Map
Phase 1
First Thing I did was start a discord for the project and cleaned up both the @pandoracubes Instagram and Twitter pages so they were more art focused and current. Then I secured both and Pandoracubes.eth and with a stroke of luck both were available. Last thing in this phase was to minting all @pandoracubes Instagram post on Rarible, to fund prototyping and creation of phase 2 & 3.
Phase 2
After 3D mapping one of the Pandora Cubes, I’m starting a Generative art project using NYC culture as inspiration. I’m also looking to collaborate with local artists to make both 2D & 3D Art based around the cube. also at this point I’ll start Prototyping new Pandora Cubes and display methods for the next phase.
Phase 3
I’m going to make 100 Pandora Cubes encased in resin, each with its own QR code leading to a link tree with the Pandora Cubes community social media and a shipping form to send to original art piece to the first buyer, in addition to having an NFC Chip with info about the specific piece.
Phase 4
Using the funds from the previous phase I will put on a scavenger hunt around New York City to find all the Pandora cubes QR codes. Each QR code leads to a POAP with a unique Pandora cube.
(I’m currently looking for a way to make an unlock system for content based on the amount Pandora cubes collect. Creating a tier system weighted on user engagement rather than pay to play collecting. This could also be used to set up digital/in-person community events allowing people to collet unique content based on participation. )
Each neighborhood will have a set amount of QR codes (divisible by 6) spread around them. The neighborhoods will each have its own theme and color pallets (such as Hell’s Kitchen might be reds and the LES might be blues and so on).
Phase 5
Using the Location of the QR codes from phase 3, I want to build out an AR experience of a virtual gallery of Pandora cubes, they can be collaborations with other artist or even seasonal events.
Also in this phase I’d like to find a coder that can make Interlock-able NFTs so I can mint multiple series of 6 pieces to add up to a single 3-dimensional Pandora cube (6 pieces add up to the sides of 1 Pandora cube IRL). Each piece can be interchangeable to make custom Pandora cubes, and if they are able to be broken down to its original pieces they can be combined endlessly to form different patterns. Each piece could keep the history of every pattern it was ever minted in. The community would fuel a user generated gallery of each Pandora cube combination ever minted.
Phase 6
Using the 3D files from the previous phases, I want to use them to furnish the Metaverse With Pandora Cubes as art instillations, ornaments, and furniture. But in addition to that I’d like to give Pandora cubes functionality by having them used as encrypted storage for sending private messages and media across the blockchain.